Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Answers for Basic Nursing
Multiple Choice Questions for Basic Nursing
1. The main principle of body mechanics in nursing is to:
A) Move the patient without using proper techniques
B) Use appropriate body alignment to prevent injury
C) Ignore the patient’s comfort during movement
D) Focus solely on the speed of the task
Answer: B) Use appropriate body alignment to prevent injury
2. The Fowler’s position is most commonly used for patients who:
A) Need to be in a prone position
B) Have difficulty breathing
C) Are unconscious
D) Are receiving abdominal surgery
Answer: B) Have difficulty breathing
3. The process of bed making in nursing aims to:
A) Keep the patient comfortable and prevent pressure sores
B) Avoid changing the bed linens
C) Only focus on the aesthetics of the bed
D) Ignore the patient’s hygiene needs
Answer: A) Keep the patient comfortable and prevent pressure sores
4. Which of the following is a critical nursing responsibility during bed bathing?
A) Using cold water
B) Maintaining the patient’s privacy and dignity
C) Avoiding interaction with the patient
D) Bathing the patient only once a week
Answer: B) Maintaining the patient’s privacy and dignity
5. Medical asepsis refers to:
A) Sterilizing all medical instruments
B) Practices that reduce the spread of pathogens
C) Only focusing on surgical procedures
D) Ignoring hand hygiene
Answer: B) Practices that reduce the spread of pathogens
6. A patient with limited mobility should have their position changed every:
A) 1 hour
B) 2 hours
C) 5 hours
D) 6 hours
Answer: B) 2 hours
7. The main purpose of infection prevention in a healthcare setting is to:
A) Only protect healthcare workers
B) Reduce the risk of spreading infections to patients, staff, and visitors
C) Focus solely on preventing surgical infections
D) Only manage communicable diseases
Answer: B) Reduce the risk of spreading infections to patients, staff, and visitors
8. A nurse should use a gait belt when:
A) Lifting a patient from the floor
B) Assisting a patient to ambulate
C) Performing CPR
D) Administering medication
Answer: B) Assisting a patient to ambulate
9. A sterile field is contaminated if:
A) Only the nurse touches it
B) The nurse’s gloves touch the sterile field
C) It is exposed to air for more than 5 minutes
D) An unsterile object touches it
Answer: D) An unsterile object touches it
10. The main objective of pressure area care is to:
A) Keep the patient’s skin dry
B) Prevent the development of pressure ulcers
C) Avoid changing the patient’s position
D) Use cold compresses on the pressure areas
Answer: B) Prevent the development of pressure ulcers
11. Which of the following positions is commonly used for rectal examinations?
A) Fowler’s position
B) Lithotomy position
C) Sims’ position
D) Supine position
Answer: C) Sims’ position
12. When serving meals to a patient who is unable to feed themselves, the nurse should:
A) Feed the patient as quickly as possible
B) Allow the patient to eat in any position
C) Ensure the patient is in an upright position
D) Avoid assisting the patient with meal choices
Answer: C) Ensure the patient is in an upright position
13. An enema is typically given to:
A) Relieve constipation
B) Promote urination
C) Decrease blood pressure
D) Treat infections
Answer: A) Relieve constipation
14. Tepid sponging is used to:
A) Cool down a patient with a high fever
B) Clean wounds
C) Wash the patient’s hair
D) Promote muscle relaxation
Answer: A) Cool down a patient with a high fever
15. Which of the following procedures is appropriate for mouth care in an unconscious patient?
A) Using a toothbrush with toothpaste
B) Using a soft swab moistened with water or antiseptic solution
C) Pouring water into the patient’s mouth
D) Brushing the teeth without suctioning
Answer: B) Using a soft swab moistened with water or antiseptic solution
16. Which position is appropriate for a patient receiving a rectal lavage?
A) Sims’ position
B) Supine position
C) Prone position
D) Lithotomy position
Answer: A) Sims’ position
17. In basic nursing care, a bedpan is used for patients who:
A) Can walk to the bathroom
B) Cannot move out of bed to urinate or defecate
C) Only need assistance in the bathroom
D) Are fully independent
Answer: B) Cannot move out of bed to urinate or defecate
18. The vital signs commonly recorded by nurses include:
A) Height, weight, and vision
B) Pulse, respiration, temperature, and blood pressure
C) Skin color, body mass index (BMI), and cholesterol
D) Blood sugar, oxygen saturation, and hair color
Answer: B) Pulse, respiration, temperature, and blood pressure
19. A nurse should provide perineal care to a patient when:
A) It is part of the daily hygiene routine
B) There is no other staff available
C) The patient is mobile
D) The patient has not requested it
Answer: A) It is part of the daily hygiene routine
20. A nurse’s primary responsibility when administering a bed bath is to:
A) Ensure the patient is cleaned as quickly as possible
B) Maintain patient dignity and comfort throughout the procedure
C) Avoid talking to the patient
D) Only clean visible body areas
Answer: B) Maintain patient dignity and comfort throughout the procedure
21. The prevention of pressure ulcers can be achieved by:
A) Keeping the patient in the same position for long periods
B) Regularly repositioning the patient and using pressure-relieving devices
C) Applying hot compresses
D) Using cold water for skin cleaning
Answer: B) Regularly repositioning the patient and using pressure-relieving devices
22. In basic nursing, “aseptic technique” means:
A) Using unsterile instruments
B) Maintaining a sterile environment to prevent infection
C) Ignoring hand hygiene
D) Only focusing on the patient’s skin care
Answer: B) Maintaining a sterile environment to prevent infection
23. The lithotomy position is most commonly used for:
A) Respiratory therapy
B) Rectal examination
C) Gynecological procedures
D) Cardiac monitoring
Answer: C) Gynecological procedures
24. The purpose of using gloves during patient care is to:
A) Avoid touching the patient
B) Maintain sterility and protect against infection
C) Make the procedure faster
D) Limit the use of other protective equipment
Answer: B) Maintain sterility and protect against infection
25. Which of the following nursing procedures helps prevent foot drop in bedridden patients?
A) Applying cold compresses
B) Encouraging leg exercises and using footboards
C) Administering pain relief medications
D) Elevating the patient’s arms
Answer: B) Encouraging leg exercises and using footboards
26. Which of the following is a core component of personal hygiene care?
A) Avoiding patient feedback
B) Bathing, oral care, hair care, and nail care
C) Focusing only on oral hygiene
D) Limiting care to once a week
Answer: B) Bathing, oral care, hair care, and nail care
27. The use of “surgical asepsis” is important during:
A) Routine handwashing
B) Sterile wound dressing changes
C) Serving meals
D) Administering oral medications
Answer: B) Sterile wound dressing changes
28. The most effective way to prevent the spread of infection in healthcare settings is:
A) Using personal protective equipment (PPE)
B) Regular hand hygiene
C) Avoiding contact with patients
D) Limiting patient mobility
Answer: B) Regular hand hygiene
29. A nurse assessing a patient’s pulse is primarily checking for:
A) Blood pressure
B) Heart rate and rhythm
C) Respiratory rate
D) Body temperature
Answer: B) Heart rate and rhythm
30. Proper body mechanics are crucial when lifting a patient to:
A) Increase the speed of care
B) Prevent injury to both the patient and the nurse
C) Avoid patient involvement
D) Ensure the patient stays in the same position
Answer: B) Prevent injury to both the patient and the nurse
31. When performing mouth care on an unconscious patient, the nurse should:
A) Place the patient in a supine position
B) Position the patient in a lateral (side-lying) position
C) Use toothpaste on a toothbrush
D) Avoid suctioning
Answer: B) Position the patient in a lateral (side-lying) position
32. A nurse provides rectal lavage to a patient primarily to:
A) Relieve constipation or clear the rectum
B) Hydrate the patient
C) Prevent bedsores
D) Administer medication
Answer: A) Relieve constipation or clear the rectum
33. When handling sterile equipment, it is important to:
A) Touch the equipment with bare hands
B) Maintain sterility by wearing gloves and avoiding contamination
C) Clean the equipment after use
D) Use only disposable instruments
Answer: B) Maintain sterility by wearing gloves and avoiding contamination
34. When recording a patient’s vital signs, the nurse should include:
A) Blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and respiratory rate
B) Height and weight only
C) Skin color and hair texture
D) Blood glucose and cholesterol
Answer: A) Blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and respiratory rate
35. The primary purpose of bed bathing is to:
A) Make the bed look clean
B) Maintain the patient’s hygiene and comfort
C) Reduce the nurse’s workload
D) Avoid skin infections
Answer: B) Maintain the patient’s hygiene and comfort
36. Which of the following is NOT a component of medical asepsis?
A) Hand hygiene
B) Sterilization of surgical instruments
C) Isolation precautions
D) Wearing clean gloves during routine procedures
Answer: B) Sterilization of surgical instruments
37. The application of cold compresses is mainly used to:
A) Prevent infection
B) Reduce swelling and numb pain
C) Improve blood circulation
D) Maintain body temperature
Answer: B) Reduce swelling and numb pain
38. To ensure proper nutrition in a bedridden patient, the nurse should:
A) Feed the patient as quickly as possible
B) Encourage a balanced diet and assist with feeding as needed
C) Limit the patient’s food intake
D) Avoid discussing the patient’s preferences
Answer: B) Encourage a balanced diet and assist with feeding as needed
39. During pressure area care, the nurse should:
A) Avoid changing the patient’s position frequently
B) Use pressure-relieving devices to prevent sores
C) Focus on cleaning the skin only
D) Only check for redness on the skin
Answer: B) Use pressure-relieving devices to prevent sores
40. When providing care to an unconscious patient, the nurse should:
A) Ignore the patient’s hygiene needs
B) Focus only on feeding the patient
C) Maintain the patient’s hygiene and provide oral care regularly
D) Avoid repositioning the patient
Answer: C) Maintain the patient’s hygiene and provide oral care regularly
41. The purpose of the Trendelenburg position in nursing care is to:
A) Improve lung function
B) Increase blood flow to the brain
C) Help with digestion
D) Encourage bowel movements
Answer: B) Increase blood flow to the brain
42. A primary goal of using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in healthcare is to:
A) Speed up medical procedures
B) Prevent the transmission of infections
C) Provide comfort to the healthcare worker
D) Improve communication with patients
Answer: B) Prevent the transmission of infections
43. When removing soiled bed linens, the nurse should:
A) Shake the linens before discarding
B) Place the linens directly on the floor
C) Handle the linens away from their body and place them in a designated bag
D) Fold the linens and place them on the bedside table
Answer: C) Handle the linens away from their body and place them in a designated bag
44. The main benefit of the Semi-Fowler’s position is to:
A) Improve breathing and comfort in patients with respiratory issues
B) Encourage blood flow to the lower extremities
C) Reduce the risk of vomiting
D) Assist with feeding
Answer: A) Improve breathing and comfort in patients with respiratory issues
45. Which of the following is an example of medical asepsis?
A) Sterilizing surgical tools
B) Washing hands before and after patient contact
C) Using gloves for sterile procedures
D) Wearing a mask during surgery
Answer: B) Washing hands before and after patient contact
46. A critical nursing responsibility when using restraints on a patient is to:
A) Avoid checking on the patient regularly
B) Ensure the patient remains restrained for as long as possible
C) Check circulation, comfort, and the need for restraints regularly
D) Ignore the patient’s complaints about discomfort
Answer: C) Check circulation, comfort, and the need for restraints regularly
47. To prevent aspiration in patients who are unable to swallow well, the nurse should:
A) Position the patient in a flat supine position
B) Keep the patient in an upright position during feeding
C) Feed the patient as quickly as possible
D) Use only liquid foods for all meals
Answer: B) Keep the patient in an upright position during feeding
48. A nurse should take a patient’s rectal temperature when:
A) The patient is conscious and alert
B) An accurate core body temperature is needed
C) The patient requests it
D) The patient has severe diarrhea
Answer: B) An accurate core body temperature is needed
49. The most effective way to perform hand hygiene is by:
A) Using alcohol-based hand sanitizer when hands are visibly dirty
B) Using soap and water for at least 20 seconds
C) Washing hands for less than 10 seconds
D) Avoiding handwashing if gloves are worn
Answer: B) Using soap and water for at least 20 seconds
50. The correct method for collecting a urine specimen is to:
A) Use the first urine of the day
B) Allow the patient to void directly into a sterile container
C) Collect urine from a bedpan
D) Store the sample at room temperature for several hours
Answer: B) Allow the patient to void directly into a sterile container
51. When a nurse is repositioning a patient to prevent bedsores, they should:
A) Change the patient’s position every 2 hours
B) Keep the patient in the same position for 4-6 hours
C) Reposition the patient once daily
D) Only reposition the patient when they complain of discomfort
Answer: A) Change the patient’s position every 2 hours
52. Which of the following is most appropriate when handling contaminated items?
A) Disposing of them in regular trash bins
B) Placing them in a biohazard bag for proper disposal
C) Washing and reusing them
D) Storing them in the patient’s room
Answer: B) Placing them in a biohazard bag for proper disposal
53. A primary objective of basic nursing care for a patient with pressure ulcers is to:
A) Use massage to relieve pressure on the affected areas
B) Keep the skin clean and dry and regularly reposition the patient
C) Avoid turning the patient to prevent further injury
D) Apply hot compresses to the ulcers
Answer: B) Keep the skin clean and dry and regularly reposition the patient
54. Which of the following is essential during the administration of oral medications?
A) Checking the patient’s swallowing ability
B) Administering the medication while the patient is lying flat
C) Giving all pills at once
D) Ignoring the patient’s preferences for taking medications
Answer: A) Checking the patient’s swallowing ability
55. The main purpose of recording a patient’s intake and output (I&O) is to:
A) Ensure the patient is eating enough food
B) Monitor the patient’s fluid balance
C) Record the patient’s weight
D) Track the patient’s medication intake
Answer: B) Monitor the patient’s fluid balance
56. What is the most appropriate nursing action for a patient experiencing pain?
A) Wait until the pain is unbearable before intervening
B) Assess the patient’s pain level and provide appropriate interventions
C) Avoid discussing the pain with the patient
D) Administer pain medication without assessing the patient
Answer: B) Assess the patient’s pain level and provide appropriate interventions
57. The use of aseptic technique during a sterile dressing change is important to:
A) Prevent contamination and infection
B) Speed up the healing process
C) Avoid using gloves
D) Save time during the procedure
Answer: A) Prevent contamination and infection
58. Which of the following is a sign of dehydration in a patient?
A) Clear and pale urine
B) Dry mouth and skin
C) Increased energy levels
D) Normal blood pressure
Answer: B) Dry mouth and skin
59. When applying a hot compress to a patient’s injury, the nurse should:
A) Use the hottest water possible
B) Monitor the skin for signs of burns or irritation
C) Leave the compress on for more than an hour
D) Apply the compress directly to the skin without protection
Answer: B) Monitor the skin for signs of burns or irritation
60. When a patient is unconscious, the nurse’s primary goal for mouth care is to:
A) Provide the patient with chewing gum
B) Prevent dryness and maintain oral hygiene
C) Wait for the patient to wake up before starting care
D) Avoid cleaning the mouth to prevent aspiration
Answer: B) Prevent dryness and maintain oral hygiene
61. To safely transfer a patient from bed to a wheelchair, the nurse should:
A) Avoid using a gait belt
B) Ensure the patient is wearing non-slip footwear
C) Lift the patient without assistance
D) Transfer the patient quickly to avoid discomfort
Answer: B) Ensure the patient is wearing non-slip footwear
62. The purpose of a cold compress is to:
A) Reduce swelling and numb pain
B) Increase circulation
C) Prevent the formation of clots
D) Relax muscles
Answer: A) Reduce swelling and numb pain
63. When providing perineal care for a female patient, the nurse should:
A) Wipe from front to back
B) Wipe from back to front
C) Use cold water only
D) Avoid using soap
Answer: A) Wipe from front to back
64. The most effective way to prevent cross-contamination in a healthcare setting is to:
A) Wear gloves at all times
B) Practice proper hand hygiene regularly
C) Avoid touching the patient
D) Use only disposable medical instruments
Answer: B) Practice proper hand hygiene regularly
65. When using a urinal for a male patient, the nurse should:
A) Allow the patient to urinate lying down
B) Help the patient into a standing or semi-sitting position if possible
C) Use the urinal only for bowel movements
D) Place the urinal on the floor
Answer: B) Help the patient into a standing or semi-sitting position if possible
66. What is the primary purpose of medical asepsis?
A) Sterilize all surfaces
B) Reduce the spread of microorganisms and prevent infection
C) Avoid the use of hand hygiene
D) Limit the use of PPE
Answer: B) Reduce the spread of microorganisms and prevent infection
67. The nurse should monitor for signs of shock, such as:
A) Increased blood pressure
B) Rapid pulse and cold, clammy skin
C) Increased energy levels
D) Warm, dry skin
Answer: B) Rapid pulse and cold, clammy skin
68. When performing passive range-of-motion exercises, the nurse’s goal is to:
A) Strengthen the patient’s muscles
B) Prevent contractures and maintain joint flexibility
C) Increase the patient’s pain threshold
D) Speed up the recovery process
Answer: B) Prevent contractures and maintain joint flexibility
69. Proper perineal care for an incontinent patient helps to:
A) Prevent urinary tract infections and skin irritation
B) Reduce the patient’s mobility
C) Avoid the use of personal protective equipment
D) Improve the patient’s appetite
Answer: A) Prevent urinary tract infections and skin irritation
70. The proper technique for lifting an object safely involves:
A) Bending at the waist
B) Using your back muscles
C) Bending your knees and lifting with your legs
D) Lifting the object quickly to avoid strain
Answer: C) Bending your knees and lifting with your legs
71. A nurse is performing catheter care. The appropriate action is to:
A) Clean the catheter in a circular motion from the insertion site outward
B) Clean from the end of the catheter toward the insertion site
C) Use alcohol to clean the catheter
D) Avoid cleaning the catheter unless it is visibly soiled
Answer: A) Clean the catheter in a circular motion from the insertion site outward
72. To promote patient safety when using oxygen therapy, the nurse should:
A) Allow the patient to smoke while receiving oxygen
B) Ensure the oxygen equipment is free of kinks and leaks
C) Keep oxygen tubing on the floor
D) Set the oxygen flow rate at the maximum level
Answer: B) Ensure the oxygen equipment is free of kinks and leaks
73. The main goal of therapeutic communication in nursing is to:
A) Establish a relationship based on mutual trust and respect
B) Provide advice without listening to the patient
C) Focus only on the technical aspects of care
D) Avoid difficult conversations
Answer: A) Establish a relationship based on mutual trust and respect
74. The primary reason for elevating a patient’s legs in the event of shock is to:
A) Reduce pain
B) Promote blood flow to vital organs
C) Increase pressure on the lungs
D) Prevent muscle cramps
Answer: B) Promote blood flow to vital organs
75. When providing hair care for a bedridden patient, the nurse should:
A) Ignore the patient’s preferences
B) Shampoo the hair daily
C) Protect the bed linens and provide a comfortable position
D) Avoid wetting the hair completely
Answer: C) Protect the bed linens and provide a comfortable position
76. In order to assist a patient in deep breathing and coughing exercises, the nurse should:
A) Instruct the patient to breathe shallowly
B) Encourage the patient to take slow, deep breaths and cough to clear secretions
C) Avoid explaining the exercises
D) Perform the exercises for the patient
Answer: B) Encourage the patient to take slow, deep breaths and cough to clear secretions
77. The purpose of turning a patient every 2 hours is to:
A) Ensure that the patient remains asleep
B) Prevent the development of pressure ulcers
C) Increase the patient’s appetite
D) Avoid the need for bathing
Answer: B) Prevent the development of pressure ulcers
78. In nursing, the term “aseptic technique” refers to:
A) Only focusing on hand hygiene
B) Procedures used to prevent contamination by pathogens
C) Using unsterile gloves during wound care
D) Allowing sterile fields to be exposed for long periods
Answer: B) Procedures used to prevent contamination by pathogens
79. A common complication of immobility is:
A) Increased energy levels
B) Development of pressure ulcers and muscle atrophy
C) Rapid healing
D) Improved blood circulation
Answer: B) Development of pressure ulcers and muscle atrophy
80. When performing wound care, the nurse should:
A) Avoid using gloves
B) Use sterile gloves and maintain a sterile field to prevent infection
C) Reuse bandages
D) Touch the wound directly
Answer: B) Use sterile gloves and maintain a sterile field to prevent infection
81. When assisting a patient with oral hygiene, the nurse should:
A) Use cold water to brush the patient’s teeth
B) Brush the teeth and gums thoroughly and provide mouthwash if needed
C) Only clean the teeth and avoid the gums
D) Avoid assisting patients who are unconscious
Answer: B) Brush the teeth and gums thoroughly and provide mouthwash if needed
82. The purpose of a nasogastric tube (NG tube) is to:
A) Administer medication via the lungs
B) Provide nutrition and medication to a patient who cannot eat orally
C) Help the patient breathe better
D) Measure blood pressure
Answer: B) Provide nutrition and medication to a patient who cannot eat orally
83. To prevent falls, the nurse should:
A) Keep the bed in the highest position
B) Ensure that the patient’s call bell is within reach
C) Avoid placing non-slip footwear on the patient
D) Keep the room dimly lit at all times
Answer: B) Ensure that the patient’s call bell is within reach
84. An important aspect of nursing care for an incontinent patient is:
A) Ignoring the patient’s skin care
B) Changing the patient’s bedding and clothing regularly to prevent skin breakdown
C) Limiting fluid intake
D) Avoiding the use of bedpans or urinals
Answer: B) Changing the patient’s bedding and clothing regularly to prevent skin breakdown
85. A patient complains of chest pain and shortness of breath. The nurse’s first action should be to:
A) Provide food and water
B) Administer pain medication immediately
C) Raise the patient’s head and assess their vital signs
D) Ignore the symptoms
Answer: C) Raise the patient’s head and assess their vital signs
86. The best way to measure a patient’s fluid intake is to:
A) Estimate how much fluid the patient has consumed
B) Record the amount of liquid consumed and administered intravenously
C) Weigh the patient before and after drinking
D) Only measure the fluid output
Answer: B) Record the amount of liquid consumed and administered intravenously
87. The primary purpose of deep breathing and coughing exercises is to:
A) Improve the patient’s appetite
B) Promote lung expansion and prevent respiratory infections
C) Increase blood pressure
D) Limit the amount of oxygen in the blood
Answer: B) Promote lung expansion and prevent respiratory infections
88. The best position for a patient who is at risk of aspiration while eating is:
A) Lying flat
B) Semi-Fowler’s position
C) Prone position
D) Supine position
Answer: B) Semi-Fowler’s position
89. A patient is experiencing hypothermia. The nurse should take which of the following actions?
A) Apply cold compresses
B) Warm the patient gradually and monitor their temperature
C) Encourage the patient to drink cold fluids
D) Avoid touching the patient
Answer: B) Warm the patient gradually and monitor their temperature
90. When assessing a patient’s pulse, the nurse is checking for:
A) Strength, rhythm, and rate of the heart
B) Blood pressure
C) Respiratory rate
D) Temperature
Answer: A) Strength, rhythm, and rate of the heart
91. What is the main purpose of repositioning a bedridden patient every 2 hours?
A) To allow the patient to sleep better
B) To prevent pressure ulcers and improve circulation
C) To reduce the need for medication
D) To limit the nurse’s workload
Answer: B) To prevent pressure ulcers and improve circulation
92. When performing passive range-of-motion exercises, the nurse should:
A) Encourage the patient to actively participate
B) Move each joint slowly and gently through its full range of motion
C) Perform the exercises quickly to save time
D) Avoid supporting the patient’s limbs during the exercises
Answer: B) Move each joint slowly and gently through its full range of motion
93. A nurse is providing perineal care to a male patient. The correct procedure is to:
A) Clean from the rectum toward the scrotum
B) Clean from the scrotum toward the rectum
C) Avoid using any cleaning agents
D) Use hot water only
Answer: B) Clean from the scrotum toward the rectum
94. The nurse assists a patient with turning, coughing, and deep breathing after surgery to:
A) Help the patient rest
B) Prevent atelectasis and pneumonia
C) Limit fluid intake
D) Avoid pain medication
Answer: B) Prevent atelectasis and pneumonia
95. When inserting a Foley catheter, the nurse must:
A) Perform the procedure without gloves
B) Use sterile technique to prevent infection
C) Insert the catheter as quickly as possible
D) Avoid explaining the procedure to the patient
Answer: B) Use sterile technique to prevent infection
96. The primary reason for using a gait belt when ambulating a patient is to:
A) Increase the nurse’s strength
B) Provide stability and prevent falls
C) Reduce the patient’s mobility
D) Limit the use of other assistive devices
Answer: B) Provide stability and prevent falls
97. During nasogastric tube feeding, the nurse should:
A) Lay the patient flat
B) Keep the patient in an upright position to prevent aspiration
C) Avoid checking tube placement
D) Administer the feed quickly
Answer: B) Keep the patient in an upright position to prevent aspiration
98. The primary purpose of aseptic technique during a dressing change is to:
A) Speed up the healing process
B) Prevent contamination and infection
C) Avoid the use of gloves
D) Keep the wound open to air
Answer: B) Prevent contamination and infection
99. A nurse is providing care for a patient who is unconscious. When performing oral care, the nurse should:
A) Place the patient in a lateral (side-lying) position to prevent aspiration
B) Avoid oral care to prevent choking
C) Use a toothbrush and toothpaste
D) Use alcohol-based mouthwash
Answer: A) Place the patient in a lateral (side-lying) position to prevent aspiration
100. Which of the following is the most common site for measuring body temperature?
A) Oral
B) Axillary
C) Rectal
D) Tympanic
Answer: A) Oral
101. In nursing, the principle of “universal precautions” refers to:
A) Using protective measures only for patients with known infections
B) Treating all blood and body fluids as potentially infectious
C) Avoiding the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
D) Limiting hand hygiene
Answer: B) Treating all blood and body fluids as potentially infectious
102. When applying a sterile dressing, the nurse should:
A) Use sterile gloves and maintain a sterile field throughout the procedure
B) Apply the dressing without wearing gloves
C) Use a clean, but non-sterile, technique
D) Avoid cleaning the wound
Answer: A) Use sterile gloves and maintain a sterile field throughout the procedure
103. The use of anti-embolism stockings is primarily to:
A) Improve the patient’s appearance
B) Promote circulation and prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
C) Increase patient comfort
D) Reduce the need for medication
Answer: B) Promote circulation and prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
104. When performing wound irrigation, the nurse should:
A) Avoid wearing gloves
B) Use sterile solution to clean the wound from least contaminated to most contaminated areas
C) Pour the solution directly onto the wound without protection
D) Ignore the patient’s comfort during the procedure
Answer: B) Use sterile solution to clean the wound from least contaminated to most contaminated areas
105. The purpose of using a sitz bath for a patient is to:
A) Decrease blood pressure
B) Cleanse and soothe the perineal area
C) Provide nutrition
D) Improve lung function
Answer: B) Cleanse and soothe the perineal area
106. The nurse’s primary goal in managing a patient with urinary incontinence is to:
A) Restrict fluid intake
B) Keep the patient dry and maintain skin integrity
C) Use catheters at all times
D) Avoid repositioning the patient
Answer: B) Keep the patient dry and maintain skin integrity
107. Which of the following is a sign of infection at a wound site?
A) Increased pain, redness, swelling, and discharge
B) Normal skin temperature
C) Dry, intact skin
D) Decreased heart rate
Answer: A) Increased pain, redness, swelling, and discharge
108. To prevent complications from immobility, the nurse should:
A) Reposition the patient every 4 hours
B) Encourage active or passive range-of-motion exercises
C) Avoid moving the patient to prevent discomfort
D) Keep the patient on complete bed rest
Answer: B) Encourage active or passive range-of-motion exercises
109. The most appropriate nursing intervention for a patient with a high fever is to:
A) Provide tepid sponging and encourage fluid intake
B) Cover the patient with heavy blankets
C) Use cold compresses only
D) Avoid giving the patient any fluids
Answer: A) Provide tepid sponging and encourage fluid intake
110. When preparing a patient for surgery, the nurse’s role includes:
A) Feeding the patient just before surgery
B) Ensuring the patient is fasting as instructed and performing a surgical scrub
C) Avoiding preoperative teaching
D) Administering high doses of pain medication
Answer: B) Ensuring the patient is fasting as instructed and performing a surgical scrub
111. Which of the following is a core component of infection prevention in healthcare?
A) Wearing gloves only when there is a known infection
B) Practicing proper hand hygiene before and after each patient interaction
C) Reusing disposable instruments
D) Limiting the use of disinfectants
Answer: B) Practicing proper hand hygiene before and after each patient interaction
112. To prevent aspiration in patients with feeding tubes, the nurse should:
A) Keep the patient in a supine position during feeding
B) Position the patient at least 30-45 degrees upright during feeding
C) Administer the feeding as quickly as possible
D) Avoid checking tube placement
Answer: B) Position the patient at least 30-45 degrees upright during feeding
113. When providing care for a patient with a Foley catheter, the nurse should:
A) Place the catheter bag above bladder level
B) Ensure the catheter tubing is free from kinks and properly secured
C) Clean the catheter every 24 hours
D) Avoid checking for signs of infection
Answer: B) Ensure the catheter tubing is free from kinks and properly secured
114. The purpose of a footboard in nursing care is to:
A) Prevent foot drop and maintain proper alignment
B) Elevate the patient’s legs
C) Provide comfort during sleep
D) Allow the patient to sit up in bed
Answer: A) Prevent foot drop and maintain proper alignment
115. The correct method for performing a back massage for a bedridden patient is to:
A) Massage using quick, firm strokes
B) Use long, gentle strokes from the lower back to the upper back
C) Avoid massaging over pressure points
D) Massage the patient once a week
Answer: B) Use long, gentle strokes from the lower back to the upper back
116. A patient experiencing orthostatic hypotension should:
A) Be placed in a supine position
B) Be allowed to stand up quickly
C) Be assisted to rise slowly and sit or stand with support
D) Avoid drinking fluids
Answer: C) Be assisted to rise slowly and sit or stand with support
117. When caring for a patient with an intravenous (IV) line, the nurse should:
A) Avoid checking the IV site
B) Check for signs of infection, infiltration, and ensure the IV fluid is infusing properly
C) Change the IV site every day
D) Limit the amount of IV fluids given
Answer: B) Check for signs of infection, infiltration, and ensure the IV fluid is infusing properly
118. The term “medical asepsis” refers to:
A) Sterilizing instruments
B) Reducing the number and spread of pathogens
C) Avoiding hand hygiene
D) Limiting the use of personal protective equipment
Answer: B) Reducing the number and spread of pathogens
119. A patient with impaired skin integrity requires:
A) Frequent monitoring and appropriate wound care to prevent infection
B) No change in their usual care routine
C) Limited interaction with the healthcare team
D) Excessive cleaning of the wound
Answer: A) Frequent monitoring and appropriate wound care to prevent infection
120. The nurse’s primary goal in post-operative care is to:
A) Limit the patient’s activity
B) Prevent complications such as infection, pain, and respiratory issues
C) Avoid repositioning the patient
D) Encourage the patient to remain immobile
Answer: B) Prevent complications such as infection, pain, and respiratory issues
121. The correct procedure for removing a Foley catheter is to:
A) Pull it out quickly without deflating the balloon
B) Deflate the balloon before gently removing the catheter
C) Cut the catheter and remove it piece by piece
D) Remove the catheter while the patient is standing
Answer: B) Deflate the balloon before gently removing the catheter
122. The main purpose of perineal care is to:
A) Prevent infection and maintain skin integrity
B) Increase the patient’s comfort
C) Improve blood circulation
D) Avoid changing bed linens
Answer: A) Prevent infection and maintain skin integrity
123. When applying a cold compress to a swollen area, the nurse should:
A) Apply the compress directly to the skin without protection
B) Monitor for signs of frostbite and limit application to 20 minutes
C) Leave the compress on for several hours
D) Use warm water instead of cold
Answer: B) Monitor for signs of frostbite and limit application to 20 minutes
124. When a nurse is preparing to administer an intramuscular (IM) injection, the appropriate site for an adult is:
A) The deltoid muscle
B) The radial artery
C) The femoral artery
D) The scalp
Answer: A) The deltoid muscle
125. To help prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs) in catheterized patients, the nurse should:
A) Ensure the catheter bag is positioned above the bladder
B) Encourage the patient to drink fluids and ensure the catheter is properly secured
C) Change the catheter every day
D) Avoid cleaning the catheter site
Answer: B) Encourage the patient to drink fluids and ensure the catheter is properly secured
126. The primary goal of therapeutic communication is to:
A) Avoid difficult topics
B) Establish trust and understanding between the nurse and patient
C) Provide medical information without listening to the patient’s concerns
D) Focus solely on the patient’s family
Answer: B) Establish trust and understanding between the nurse and patient
127. In the case of a patient with respiratory distress, the nurse’s immediate action should be to:
A) Lay the patient flat
B) Elevate the head of the bed and administer oxygen if prescribed
C) Administer food and water
D) Perform a physical exam
Answer: B) Elevate the head of the bed and administer oxygen if prescribed
128. The purpose of a back rub or massage for a bedridden patient is to:
A) Stimulate appetite
B) Promote relaxation, improve circulation, and prevent skin breakdown
C) Increase body temperature
D) Relieve hunger
Answer: B) Promote relaxation, improve circulation, and prevent skin breakdown
129. When taking a patient’s blood pressure, the nurse should:
A) Place the cuff directly over clothing
B) Position the arm at heart level and ensure the cuff is properly fitted
C) Inflate the cuff slowly without paying attention to the patient’s discomfort
D) Take the reading while the patient is standing
Answer: B) Position the arm at heart level and ensure the cuff is properly fitted
130. A key principle of infection control in nursing is to:
A) Limit the use of gloves
B) Use personal protective equipment (PPE) as appropriate for each situation
C) Only wash hands after touching infected patients
D) Avoid disinfecting surfaces
Answer: B) Use personal protective equipment (PPE) as appropriate for each situation
131. When performing wound care, the nurse should:
A) Clean the wound from the most contaminated area to the least contaminated area
B) Clean the wound from the least contaminated area to the most contaminated area
C) Avoid using gloves
D) Use sterile instruments but not sterile gloves
Answer: B) Clean the wound from the least contaminated area to the most contaminated area
132. What is the most appropriate intervention for a patient experiencing a fever?
A) Apply cold compresses and limit fluid intake
B) Provide tepid sponging, encourage fluids, and monitor temperature regularly
C) Cover the patient with heavy blankets
D) Keep the patient in a warm environment
Answer: B) Provide tepid sponging, encourage fluids, and monitor temperature regularly
133. When assisting a patient with mobility issues, the nurse should:
A) Provide assistance only when requested by the patient
B) Encourage independence while ensuring safety
C) Avoid using assistive devices
D) Move the patient quickly to save time
Answer: B) Encourage independence while ensuring safety
134. The main goal of deep breathing exercises for post-operative patients is to:
A) Improve circulation
B) Expand the lungs and prevent respiratory complications such as pneumonia
C) Increase the heart rate
D) Reduce blood pressure
Answer: B) Expand the lungs and prevent respiratory complications such as pneumonia
135. The nurse should assess the patient’s skin regularly to:
A) Prevent pressure ulcers and skin breakdown
B) Limit the patient’s mobility
C) Avoid discomfort for the patient
D) Increase patient activity
Answer: A) Prevent pressure ulcers and skin breakdown
136. Which of the following is an example of proper body mechanics when lifting a patient?
A) Bending at the waist
B) Lifting with your legs and keeping your back straight
C) Twisting your body to lift
D) Lifting the patient as quickly as possible
Answer: B) Lifting with your legs and keeping your back straight
137. A nurse is assisting a patient with a bed bath. The correct procedure is to:
A) Wash from the cleanest area to the dirtiest area
B) Wash from the dirtiest area to the cleanest area
C) Avoid washing the face and hands
D) Perform the bath as quickly as possible
Answer: A) Wash from the cleanest area to the dirtiest area
138. The purpose of documenting a patient’s intake and output (I&O) is to:
A) Monitor the patient’s fluid balance and detect potential imbalances
B) Track the patient’s weight
C) Document the patient’s food preferences
D) Record the patient’s temperature
Answer: A) Monitor the patient’s fluid balance and detect potential imbalances
139. When applying anti-embolism stockings (TED hose), the nurse should:
A) Apply them when the patient is standing
B) Ensure they fit snugly without wrinkles and check circulation regularly
C) Apply them loosely to ensure comfort
D) Remove them after 1 hour
Answer: B) Ensure they fit snugly without wrinkles and check circulation regularly
140. A nurse is caring for a patient with a nasogastric tube. The nurse should:
A) Keep the patient flat to prevent discomfort
B) Keep the head of the bed elevated at least 30 degrees to prevent aspiration
C) Avoid checking the placement of the tube
D) Administer tube feedings rapidly
Answer: B) Keep the head of the bed elevated at least 30 degrees to prevent aspiration
141. When assisting a patient with ambulation, the nurse should:
A) Walk on the patient’s weaker side to provide support
B) Walk behind the patient at all times
C) Avoid using assistive devices
D) Limit the patient’s movement to reduce the risk of falls
Answer: A) Walk on the patient’s weaker side to provide support
142. The purpose of Fowler’s position is to:
A) Promote drainage of secretions
B) Improve breathing and reduce the risk of aspiration
C) Limit the patient’s mobility
D) Increase blood pressure
Answer: B) Improve breathing and reduce the risk of aspiration
143. In basic nursing, the term “asepsis” refers to:
A) The destruction of all microorganisms
B) The absence of pathogens or disease-causing microorganisms
C) The promotion of microbial growth
D) The use of non-sterile techniques during procedures
Answer: B) The absence of pathogens or disease-causing microorganisms
144. To prevent infection when providing care for a wound, the nurse should:
A) Use a clean technique only
B) Follow sterile technique and use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)
C) Avoid wearing gloves
D) Limit the use of antiseptic solutions
Answer: B) Follow sterile technique and use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)
145. The nurse should monitor a patient with an indwelling catheter for signs of:
A) Infection, such as fever, foul-smelling urine, and cloudy urine
B) Normal urine output
C) Increased mobility
D) Clear and odorless urine
Answer: A) Infection, such as fever, foul-smelling urine, and cloudy urine
146. A nurse is caring for a patient who has difficulty swallowing. The most appropriate intervention is to:
A) Feed the patient quickly to reduce the risk of aspiration
B) Position the patient upright and provide thickened liquids if prescribed
C) Avoid offering liquids during meals
D) Administer large portions of food at once
Answer: B) Position the patient upright and provide thickened liquids if prescribed
147. The correct method for cleaning a patient’s dentures is to:
A) Use hot water
B) Use lukewarm water and brush gently with toothpaste or denture cleaner
C) Clean them with alcohol
D) Avoid brushing the dentures
Answer: B) Use lukewarm water and brush gently with toothpaste or denture cleaner
148. When caring for a patient with an intravenous (IV) infusion, the nurse should:
A) Change the IV dressing every hour
B) Monitor the IV site for signs of infection or infiltration
C) Ignore the flow rate of the infusion
D) Avoid checking the patient’s vital signs
Answer: B) Monitor the IV site for signs of infection or infiltration
149. The nurse is responsible for ensuring patient safety during ambulation by:
A) Leaving the patient unattended
B) Using assistive devices such as canes or walkers if necessary
C) Walking behind the patient without support
D) Allowing the patient to walk barefoot
Answer: B) Using assistive devices such as canes or walkers if necessary
150. The purpose of performing perineal care on a patient is to:
A) Prevent infection and promote comfort
B) Provide entertainment
C) Increase the patient’s appetite
D) Limit the patient’s mobility
Answer: A) Prevent infection and promote comfort
151. When administering a bed bath to a patient, the nurse should:
A) Leave the patient uncovered for the entire procedure
B) Cover the patient with a towel or sheet for privacy and warmth
C) Wash the patient from the dirtiest area to the cleanest area
D) Skip washing the patient’s face and hands
Answer: B) Cover the patient with a towel or sheet for privacy and warmth
152. The most appropriate action for a nurse when a patient reports severe pain is to:
A) Ignore the complaint
B) Assess the patient’s pain level and provide appropriate interventions
C) Tell the patient that pain is normal
D) Wait until the next shift to address the pain
Answer: B) Assess the patient’s pain level and provide appropriate interventions
153. The main objective of pressure area care is to:
A) Keep the skin moist at all times
B) Prevent the development of pressure ulcers by keeping the skin clean, dry, and intact
C) Use cold compresses on the affected areas
D) Avoid changing the patient’s position frequently
Answer: B) Prevent the development of pressure ulcers by keeping the skin clean, dry, and intact
154. The nurse is performing mouth care for an unconscious patient. To prevent aspiration, the nurse should:
A) Use a toothbrush with toothpaste
B) Position the patient on their side
C) Avoid suctioning the patient’s mouth
D) Use a large amount of water to rinse the mouth
Answer: B) Position the patient on their side
155. The most important step in preventing the spread of infection in healthcare is:
A) Wearing gloves at all times
B) Practicing proper hand hygiene before and after every patient interaction
C) Avoiding contact with patients
D) Limiting the use of disinfectants
Answer: B) Practicing proper hand hygiene before and after every patient interaction
156. A nurse is preparing to give a bed bath to a bedridden patient. The first step is to:
A) Gather all necessary supplies and explain the procedure to the patient
B) Start washing the patient’s feet
C) Change the patient’s bed linens before the bath
D) Leave the patient uncovered
Answer: A) Gather all necessary supplies and explain the procedure to the patient
157. When providing post-operative care, the nurse should:
A) Encourage the patient to stay in bed without moving
B) Promote early ambulation to prevent complications such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
C) Limit fluid intake
D) Avoid monitoring the patient’s vital signs
Answer: B) Promote early ambulation to prevent complications such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
158. A nurse is assisting a patient who is at risk of falling. The most appropriate intervention is to:
A) Keep the patient’s bed in the highest position
B) Ensure that the patient has non-slip footwear and that the bed is in the lowest position
C) Allow the patient to walk without assistance
D) Keep the lights in the room off to promote rest
Answer: B) Ensure that the patient has non-slip footwear and that the bed is in the lowest position
159. The nurse’s primary responsibility during a sterile dressing change is to:
A) Use clean gloves only
B) Maintain sterility and avoid contaminating the dressing or wound
C) Touch the wound directly
D) Perform the dressing change quickly to save time
Answer: B) Maintain sterility and avoid contaminating the dressing or wound
160. The most effective way to assess a patient’s fluid balance is to:
A) Weigh the patient daily and record their intake and output
B) Estimate the patient’s fluid intake
C) Limit the patient’s fluid intake
D) Avoid documenting fluid intake and output
Answer: A) Weigh the patient daily and record their intake and output
161. The primary reason for providing passive range-of-motion (ROM) exercises to a patient is to:
A) Strengthen the patient’s muscles
B) Prevent contractures and maintain joint flexibility
C) Increase the patient’s pain threshold
D) Help the patient stand up
Answer: B) Prevent contractures and maintain joint flexibility
162. Which of the following is most appropriate when feeding a patient who is at risk for aspiration?
A) Provide thickened liquids and keep the patient in an upright position
B) Feed the patient as quickly as possible
C) Give the patient only solid foods
D) Place the patient in a prone position while eating
Answer: A) Provide thickened liquids and keep the patient in an upright position
163. The best time to assess a patient’s skin for breakdown is during:
A) Feeding
B) Bathing
C) Dressing changes
D) Administering medication
Answer: B) Bathing
164. A nurse should avoid using restraints unless:
A) The patient is confused and restless
B) All other measures to ensure the patient’s safety have been tried and proven ineffective
C) The family requests it
D) The patient refuses to cooperate with care
Answer: B) All other measures to ensure the patient’s safety have been tried and proven ineffective
165. The best way to check the placement of a nasogastric (NG) tube before feeding is to:
A) Check the patient’s blood pressure
B) Aspirate stomach contents and test pH
C) Listen to the patient’s stomach
D) Give the patient a glass of water
Answer: B) Aspirate stomach contents and test pH
166. A nurse is preparing a sterile field for a dressing change. The sterile field is considered contaminated if:
A) The sterile gloves touch the sterile dressing
B) The sterile field is touched by a non-sterile object
C) The nurse touches the sterile field with sterile gloves
D) The nurse works quickly
Answer: B) The sterile field is touched by a non-sterile object
167. In medical asepsis, hand hygiene is performed:
A) Only after contact with infected patients
B) Before and after patient contact and after exposure to any body fluids
C) Only when the nurse feels it is necessary
D) Only after procedures involving blood
Answer: B) Before and after patient contact and after exposure to any body fluids
168. The correct way to assist a patient with deep breathing exercises is to:
A) Instruct the patient to breathe deeply and slowly through their nose and exhale through their mouth
B) Ask the patient to take shallow, rapid breaths
C) Encourage the patient to hold their breath as long as possible
D) Limit the number of breaths to prevent dizziness
Answer: A) Instruct the patient to breathe deeply and slowly through their nose and exhale through their mouth
169. When assessing a patient’s bowel movements, the nurse should document:
A) Only the color of the stool
B) Frequency, consistency, color, and any abnormalities
C) The time of day
D) Only if the patient complains of discomfort
Answer: B) Frequency, consistency, color, and any abnormalities
170. A nurse can prevent pressure ulcers by:
A) Keeping the patient in one position for several hours
B) Repositioning the patient every two hours and using pressure-relieving devices
C) Applying hot compresses to the affected areas
D) Avoiding hydration
Answer: B) Repositioning the patient every two hours and using pressure-relieving devices
171. The nurse is responsible for ensuring that a patient’s bed is made properly to:
A) Improve the appearance of the room
B) Maintain patient comfort and prevent skin breakdown
C) Speed up the discharge process
D) Limit patient mobility
Answer: B) Maintain patient comfort and prevent skin breakdown
172. To measure a patient’s urinary output accurately, the nurse should:
A) Ask the patient to estimate how much they urinated
B) Use a graduated container to measure the output in milliliters
C) Weigh the patient before and after urination
D) Limit the patient’s fluid intake
Answer: B) Use a graduated container to measure the output in milliliters
173. The primary goal of palliative care is to:
A) Cure the patient’s illness
B) Provide comfort and improve the quality of life for patients with serious illnesses
C) Increase the patient’s mobility
D) Limit the use of medications
Answer: B) Provide comfort and improve the quality of life for patients with serious illnesses
174. A nurse is assisting a patient who has a Foley catheter. The correct procedure is to:
A) Place the catheter bag above the level of the bladder
B) Ensure the catheter tubing is free of kinks and that the bag is below bladder level
C) Avoid checking for urine output
D) Remove the catheter daily
Answer: B) Ensure the catheter tubing is free of kinks and that the bag is below bladder level
175. The best way to prevent falls in a hospital setting is to:
A) Place the bed in the lowest position and ensure the call bell is within reach
B) Use restraints on all patients
C) Keep the lights off at all times to promote rest
D) Allow the patient to walk without assistance
Answer: A) Place the bed in the lowest position and ensure the call bell is within reach
176. A nurse is responsible for monitoring a patient’s intake and output (I&O). Intake includes:
A) Only fluids consumed by mouth
B) Fluids consumed orally, IV fluids, and tube feedings
C) Only IV fluids
D) Fluids consumed by mouth and solid food
Answer: B) Fluids consumed orally, IV fluids, and tube feedings
177. In terms of infection prevention, “universal precautions” mean:
A) Treating all body fluids as potentially infectious
B) Wearing gloves only for patients with known infections
C) Limiting hand hygiene to infected patients
D) Avoiding the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
Answer: A) Treating all body fluids as potentially infectious
178. To ensure accurate blood pressure measurement, the nurse should:
A) Use any size cuff regardless of the patient’s arm size
B) Ensure the blood pressure cuff is the correct size and position the arm at heart level
C) Inflate the cuff as quickly as possible
D) Take the measurement while the patient is standing
Answer: B) Ensure the blood pressure cuff is the correct size and position the arm at heart level
179. When using a transfer board to move a patient, the nurse’s primary goal is to:
A) Ensure the patient moves quickly
B) Maintain the patient’s safety and prevent injury to both the patient and nurse
C) Avoid explaining the procedure to the patient
D) Move the patient without assistance
Answer: B) Maintain the patient’s safety and prevent injury to both the patient and nurse
180. The correct way to clean dentures is to:
A) Use a stiff brush and hot water
B) Use a soft brush and lukewarm water with denture cleaner
C) Use alcohol-based solutions
D) Avoid cleaning them daily
Answer: B) Use a soft brush and lukewarm water with denture cleaner
181. The most common complication of immobility is:
A) Improved appetite
B) Pressure ulcers and muscle atrophy
C) Increased mobility
D) Rapid wound healing
Answer: B) Pressure ulcers and muscle atrophy
182. When administering a bed bath, the nurse should:
A) Expose the entire body at once to clean it quickly
B) Wash one body part at a time and cover the rest of the body for warmth and privacy
C) Use cold water to speed up the process
D) Limit communication with the patient
Answer: B) Wash one body part at a time and cover the rest of the body for warmth and privacy
183. The primary reason for recording a patient’s vital signs is to:
A) Assess the patient’s overall health and detect any changes
B) Ensure the patient’s blood pressure is high
C) Record the patient’s age
D) Limit the patient’s physical activity
Answer: A) Assess the patient’s overall health and detect any changes
184. To prevent skin breakdown in an incontinent patient, the nurse should:
A) Change the patient’s position only when they request it
B) Keep the skin clean and dry, and change the patient’s position regularly
C) Limit the use of absorbent pads
D) Avoid using skin barrier creams
Answer: B) Keep the skin clean and dry, and change the patient’s position regularly
185. When caring for a patient with a wound, the nurse’s priority is to:
A) Apply hot compresses
B) Use sterile technique and monitor for signs of infection
C) Avoid changing the dressing unless absolutely necessary
D) Leave the wound exposed to air
Answer: B) Use sterile technique and monitor for signs of infection
186. The nurse should assess a patient’s pain level by:
A) Asking the patient to describe the pain using a pain scale
B) Estimating the level of pain without patient input
C) Ignoring complaints of pain
D) Administering pain medication without asking the patient
Answer: A) Asking the patient to describe the pain using a pain scale
187. When performing oral care for an unconscious patient, the nurse should:
A) Position the patient in a lateral (side-lying) position to prevent aspiration
B) Use a large amount of water to rinse the patient’s mouth
C) Place the patient in a supine position
D) Avoid cleaning the teeth and gums
Answer: A) Position the patient in a lateral (side-lying) position to prevent aspiration
188. A nurse is applying anti-embolism stockings (TED hose) for a patient. The purpose of these stockings is to:
A) Improve blood circulation and prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
B) Increase the patient’s comfort
C) Limit the patient’s mobility
D) Promote rapid weight loss
Answer: A) Improve blood circulation and prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
189. The main purpose of documenting a patient’s intake and output (I&O) is to:
A) Monitor the patient’s fluid balance and detect potential imbalances
B) Record the patient’s weight
C) Track the patient’s medication intake
D) Document the patient’s food preferences
Answer: A) Monitor the patient’s fluid balance and detect potential imbalances
190. When performing catheter care, the nurse should:
A) Clean the catheter tubing from the insertion site outward
B) Clean the catheter from the end of the tubing toward the insertion site
C) Use alcohol to clean the catheter
D) Avoid cleaning the catheter unless it is visibly soiled
Answer: A) Clean the catheter tubing from the insertion site outward
191. A primary nursing responsibility when using restraints is to:
A) Avoid checking on the patient regularly
B) Ensure the patient’s comfort and safety, and check circulation frequently
C) Leave the patient restrained for as long as possible
D) Ignore complaints about discomfort
Answer: B) Ensure the patient’s comfort and safety, and check circulation frequently
192. The nurse provides perineal care to a female patient by:
A) Wiping from back to front
B) Wiping from front to back to prevent contamination
C) Using hot water only
D) Avoiding the use of soap
Answer: B) Wiping from front to back to prevent contamination
193. To prevent aspiration in patients with a feeding tube, the nurse should:
A) Keep the patient lying flat
B) Elevate the head of the bed at least 30 to 45 degrees during feeding
C) Administer the feeding as quickly as possible
D) Avoid checking tube placement
Answer: B) Elevate the head of the bed at least 30 to 45 degrees during feeding
194. The nurse’s primary goal when using aseptic technique during a sterile procedure is to:
A) Prevent contamination and infection
B) Speed up the healing process
C) Avoid using gloves
D) Keep the sterile field open for as long as possible
Answer: A) Prevent contamination and infection
195. A nurse is caring for a patient with impaired skin integrity. The most appropriate intervention is to:
A) Apply hot compresses to the affected area
B) Monitor the skin regularly and apply appropriate wound care
C) Limit patient repositioning
D) Avoid cleaning the affected area
Answer: B) Monitor the skin regularly and apply appropriate wound care
196. When administering oral medications, the nurse should:
A) Check the patient’s ability to swallow before giving the medication
B) Give all medications at once without explaining them
C) Avoid checking the patient’s medication history
D) Administer medications while the patient is lying down
Answer: A) Check the patient’s ability to swallow before giving the medication
197. A key nursing responsibility during post-operative care is to:
A) Encourage the patient to remain immobile
B) Monitor for signs of infection, pain, and respiratory issues
C) Avoid repositioning the patient
D) Administer pain medication without assessing the patient’s pain
Answer: B) Monitor for signs of infection, pain, and respiratory issues
198. To prevent cross-contamination in healthcare settings, the nurse should:
A) Use gloves and wash hands properly before and after each patient interaction
B) Wear the same gloves for multiple patients
C) Limit the use of hand hygiene
D) Reuse personal protective equipment (PPE)
Answer: A) Use gloves and wash hands properly before and after each patient interaction
199. A nurse should perform mouth care for an unconscious patient to:
A) Improve the patient’s breathing
B) Maintain oral hygiene and prevent infection
C) Avoid using other personal protective equipment
D) Limit the patient’s mobility
Answer: B) Maintain oral hygiene and prevent infection
200. When providing care for a patient with a tracheostomy, the nurse should:
A) Avoid cleaning the tracheostomy site
B) Use sterile technique and monitor for signs of infection
C) Allow the patient to perform all tracheostomy care independently
D) Limit suctioning to once per day
Answer: B) Use sterile technique and monitor for signs of infection